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For B!

So, my best friend also blogs and she does tag ones, where you do it and then the person you tag has to do it too!! Now, she is much more linguistically able then I am and is a much better writer, hence the major in journalism? ;) Anyways! This one is about winter things, so here we go! This ones for you B!

Die Another Day
1. Favorite winter nail polish?  
Hmm... That is a tough one seeing as how I am obessed with nail polish. How am I supposed to choose?!! Well, usually, I would gravitate towards dark blues. However this year, the new James Bond line came out from OPI and I am seriously in love!!!!!!! There are no words people. Now you may be thinking... You're insane, its just nail polish. Incorrect. It is a lifestyle. Hahah. I have over 400 dollars in OPI nail polish. Thank goodness I work at a salon! It is beautiful red with sparkles!

Lip Saver
2. Favorite winter lip product?
Well, I am not huge into actual lip colour, I mean sometimes but very rarely, unless it is an event. So, in the winter time usually my lips are just really dry and chapped. I LOVE Aveda's Lipsaver. It is awesome and all natural. Now I work at an Aveda salon, so one could say that I am somewhat bias. I'm not. It is fabulous! I recommend it to everyone! =) Plus it has SPF 15, so your lips don't get burnt!

3. Most worn winter accessory? 
Hmm, this is a toughy. I could say scarves, which I do wear a lot. But I love hats, beanies, touques. Anything to make my bad hair day a little better!!! Plus, I own a lot of black clothes and I have to wear black to work so, by wearing a bright beanie it definitely brightens up a boring black costume!

4. Most worn winter clothing piece?
Uhmm, I don't have a favorite clothing piece I don't think to be completely honest. This year however I am completely obsessed with boots. All kinda of boots. Big winter boots, leather boots, lace up boots. You name it and I wanna wear it!! What I have done a lot this year is wear socks or leg warmers with my boots! I think that is my favorite winter thing!!

5. Favorite winter scent or candle? 

Hmm,  this is a toughy!!! I am not a huge candle person.... Simply for the fact that I am forgetful and probably would burn my house down. So... I choose scentsy's instead =D However, back to my work again. I love the new Warmth Candle that Aveda has launched this year. Maybe because that is all I smell at work. But OMG. It is soooo nice and just spreads through the store amazingly.

6. My favorite winter beverage?

Well regularly, I would say hot chocolate because I don't drink coffee ever. However, we have a real espresso machine at work and my boss taught me how to make a moccachino. Well hooooly shit. I was done for. I have never loved anything more. Seriously it is heaven in a cup and I am not gonna say I am fricken awesome at making them.... but.... I kind of am. YUMMY!!!

7. All time favorite Christmas/Holiday movie?

This is the easiest question on here. Without a doubt it is Home Alone. I freakin love this movie!!! It is so funny and I have loved it since I was a wee little lass. Not to mention I think I had a little crush on Kevin. Plus the kid is a total bad ass and defends his house, and he eats candy and watches movies all day. That is the life.

8. Favorite Holiday song?

I don't think I have any songs in particular. I like cheesy songs like Jingle Bells and all that jazz!!! haha This one is gonna be really boring because I am not sure what else to say about it lol. Sorry =/

9. Favorite Holiday treat?

Well this is definitely the worst time for me because I freaking LOVE chocolate. Chocolate anything really. Except for the liquer filled chocolate, no thank you!! My favorite is Terry's Chocolate Orange, but only the milk chocolate kind!!!! So yummy! I also really like Toffifee and Ferraroche. Ok. So I probably cannot spell either of those but it doesn't change there deliciousness.

10. Favorite decoration this year?
I don't think I have a particular one I like just this year! However my favorite is always the tree. That's such a huge part of Christmas. I love decorating it and filling the bottom with presents!!! Our trees were always so "home made" they had all of our home made ornaments on it and it looked so homey. Those are my favorite kinds of trees. The ones that are all matchy look beautiful, but I prefer the home made ones with all the memories on there as ornaments.

11. Whats on the top of your wish list?
Uhmmm this year I am sooo boring lol. Seeing as how I just started school, I asked for Microsoft Office and a printer.  Those things aren't cheap my any means but usually I want something a little more exciting lol. But this year those kind of things are a necessity, so I will be very happy with those under the tree from Santa

12. What are your plans for Christmas?
Well this year, I have 2 weeks off from school but I do also still have to work! However, we always spend Christmas Eve with Bryans parents, and usually we stay at his parents for Christmas morning and dinner and then go out to my parents that night and have my families Christmas on boxing day. However, this year my moms side of the family us getting together on Christmas day as well... So, I think I am going to go to my dinner and Bryan will stay with his parents?  We haven't really decided but seeing as how we don't have kids it doesn't create an issue! =)

P.S -  I do know how to spell favourite, its just so much easier to follow the dumb Americans rules =P



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