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A Quiz on Christmas eve/day why not!?

So, I was thinking, hey, what should I write about today..... Not wanting to go into more movies I decided in stealing this from Becca.

1.  Who were you with yesterday?
Hmm, yesterday I was with a lot of people, considering that I was at work for the beginning of the day and then after that I had my Christmas party. Which was fun, but apparently turned into a huge gong show. Thankfully we left before all that broke out!!! I had to work today too... =( It doesn't even feel like Christmas.
2.  What woke you up this morning?
My really annoying alarm clock and my cat and Bryan..... There was no way I sleeping through all that non sense!
3.  Where are you?
I am at Bryans parents house, we always come here on Christmas eve because they always open one present that is usually PJ's and then we watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation!!!!

4.  Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
That is the dumbest thing I have ever been asked. Tomorrow is Christmas...... OF COURSE IT WILL BE A GOOD DAY. I hope those capital letters really emphasize how much I actually love Christmas!! =)
5.  Do you like anybody?
Nope. I like no body.

6.  Have you ever thrown up in public?
No.... Okay, one time I did, because I was actually sick, I wasn't drunk or anything. I swear haha

7.  Have you ever passed out because of alcohol?
No.... I haven't. Some people may say I haven't really lived, I prefer to say that I just remember my life.

8.  What did you want to be when you grew up?
I think I wanted to me a teacher the majority of my life, I think I have always wanted to just a be a mom too. That is definitely what I want to be!!

9.  Where do you see yourself in five years?
Well.... I'm not completely sure but in five years I definitely would like to have a great job that I love. Bryan and I will have been married for 4 years, so maybe a baby? I don't really know, perhaps we will see how financially stable we are haha.  I want to be a younger mom and so does he! So we will see!

*** I started this on Christmas eve and didn't finish, so I am finishing tonight which is Christmas night. Just so you know, some of the asnwers won't match! =) ***

10.  Do you like candy necklaces?
.Why yes, yes I do. I think they were a pretty common treat as a child!!!

11.  Do you listen to music every day?
Oh definitely, if I am going to school I listen to the radio and then my iPod. If I am at work then there is music playing  non stop.... Lately, Christmas music....... Which at first I liked, but then I got kind of sick of it lol. Thankfully it will be all over. Back to TOP 40 Hits......

12.  Do you still go trick or treating?
To be completely honest with you, this last year was the only year I hadn't gone!!! I decided to stay home and hand out candy.

13.  What was the last thing you ate?
Uhmm...... I had a piece of a Chocolate Orange =) My favourite!!! I got a huge candy Christmas basket from Bryans parents for Christmas, which is a good and a bad thing all at once. SO GOOD!! I even got a Tinkerbell Pez dispenser =D Which is freakin adorable.

14.  Are you a fast typer?
Fantastic question.... I dont think I am to bad. Faster on a desk top then I am on a laptop I am afraid.... But just for kicks I will take a typing test too!! Sooo, 52 WPM on a laptop. Meh, I was actually really trying too hahah.

15.  What is your favorite type of soda?
GINGER ALE!!!!!!!!!! OMG yummmmmy!

16.  Have you ever moved?
Yes! Alot to be honest with you.... probably like 7 times in the last 2 years... AH! That is insane. I am insanely sick of packing and moving you had no idea.

17.  Have you ever won an award?
 Yes! =) I have won a few.... I got student of the month when I was in Hair School, Volleyball awards, school awards, I also got Breakfast of Champions when I was in high school too. I like getting awards haha.
18.  Are you listening to music right now?
 Oh! You know what! I definitely am!! Good ol' Katy Perry haha

19.  How long until your birthday?
  My birthday is exactly one month away!!!!! I will be 21, and this year my birthday is super exciting because my sister has scheduled her C-Section for that day!! So I will be able to share my birthday with my little niece or nephew.

20.  When were you the saddest in your life?
 The saddest in my life? Well, I don't know... I know I was very very sad when my Grandma passed away. I was also very sad when Bryan and I broke up. Very different reasons for being sad of course, but I think my heart was pretty broken on each of those days. 

21.  What time is it?
It is 1:42 am! We are waiting for the hockey game to start!

22.  Do you use eBay to buy or sell?
I don't sell things on there but I have boughten phone cases =)

23.  Have you ever heard a song written about you?
 I have actually! =)

24.  What do you do when you're mad?
 Unfortunately, when I am mad I like to be left alone and I sometimes have a tendency to take it out on Bryan.
25.  What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?
  I told someone I loved with all of my heart that I hate them. 

26.  Do you swear when you're mad?
Uhhh yeah... I swear a lot. I don't mean to! It just comes out.... word vomit.

27.  Do certain songs make you cry?
 Yes actually. I cry when I hear Angel by Sarah McLaughlin or however you spell that. Because it was played at my Grandma's funeral. I also cry when I hear There You'll Be by Faith Hill . It is from the movie Pearl Harbour. 

28.  Are you a happy person?
I really try to be, sometimes I can be a little pessimistic, but I chose to keep people in my life that are optimistic and that helps me!

29.  Do you believe in yourself?
I have to.


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