So, throughout this whole whirlwind of wedding planning, I wanted to try and make our wedding fun and incorporate the fact that we are young. I think that is why I was so drawn to the idea about having all of the bridesmaids in different colour shoes! =) But I haven't decided if I want the girls to have the same flowers, just different colours. OR if they should all have completely different flowers as well as different colours. That is kind of confusing.....
Here are some pictures to kind of clarify what I do mean...
So this top one is what I mean when I say different colours but the same flowers. Which would probably be roses to match the centerpieces.
Or Something like this where you can see the flowers match the shoes, but they are all different flowers as well...
Hmm... I cannot decide. I guess that is why we have a consultation with a florist next Thursday. Because I want it to be unique but I also don't want it to drain the whole budget...Flowers are probably one of my favourite things about weddings. I wish they weren't one of the most expensive things =(
Tonight, Breaking Dawn Part 2 has a pre-screening and I get to go!! I am such a Twilight fan it is ridiculous. I really don't care that pretty much everyone else I talk to hates it. I don't think they realized that I didn't just watch the movies and become obsessed with it like a lot of other people. I read this damn book in August 2008. Do you know how I remember?!?! Because I was camping in Saskatchewan and I made my mom take me into the nearest Walmart so I could buy it. I waited for each of them to come out because I read the first one when it was released in 2005. So, to the people who just watched the movies and say your the biggest fans? I mean COME ON. You didn't even have the decency to read the books where the movies actually came from!! Geesh. Those people kind of bother me a little... Honestly.
Anywho! Tomorrow, we chat again!
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