I know throughout life people meet other people and they are special and important to them... But I also hear that you will never love anyone more than yourself until you have children. However what if that isn't true? What if there are people in your life that you do love more than yourself? A person you would do absolutely anything for? I always read about soul mates and just assumed it was romantic; your soul mate would be someone you married or were in love with. Then I met someone who completely changed my who perception of what a soul mate was. I realized that it was someone you had such a strong connection with it felt like you had known them your entire life. I saw this quote:
When I saw this picture it was like all the feelings I had built up thrown onto paper. It is something that you can't understand until it has happened to you. That one person that can make everything okay with just a smile, the one person that seems to understand you better than anyone else. It is something I could just easily express but words just don't seem to cut it! I was blessed to meet my soul mate when I was 16 years old. I met Lorien when I worked at Wal-Mart, I started in June and she was my supervisor technically! Honestly, I was so scared of her at first, she is intimidating!!! Well, maybe I was just a baby lol. I was in grade 10 and that summer we did absolutely everything together, we knew everything about each other and she was one of the only people in my life I never got sick of. Things stayed this way for about 2 years, when I was 18 I started dating my ex. It was my first relationship and I will be the first to say that I let it consume my entire life and it did....100%. I soon dropped alot of the people in my life and before long I had lost a lot of my friends including Lorien. I tried my best not to focus on how much I missed her, and focused on other things. When things got hard I wanted to discuss and share with her and I knew I couldn't. It got to the point where I would literally cry for hours, but I was to much of a coward to try and contact her. I assumed that she was happy and didn't want me in her life. It is so silly the rationalizations we come up with, the stories we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better. I assumed all of these things and if I had just had the guts to try and reconnect or reach out to her, things may have been different. So, about 2 years after our "falling out", she sent me an invitiation to their halloween party, this would have been in 2012? I was so shocked by the invitation, I didn't know what to say... We hadn't talked in about a year and it made me so nervous One of my other good friends convinced me to go to the party and she came along with me. I was so nervous I could hardly breathe. I hadn't seen alot of these people in so long, I was so worried that they would all hate me and wouldn't want to see me. (Here I go with my crazy ass speculations, I am the worst.) I had a nice time at the party, and as I was leaving I gave everyone a hug and Loriens brother Brandon came and handed me something I had forgot. I told him that he could just leave it here and I would get it the next time... I will never forget what happened next. Just the way he said it and the face he made, he looked at me and said, "you will be back?" and I don't know what it was about that statement but it just kind of made a light bulb go off in my mind... Maybe they missed me as much as I had missed them....
It was a realization that I needed to make for myself and from then on we started to reconnect slowly. I never thought that things would be the same as they were but I would rather have her in my life as just a friends than not at all. We chatted a couple times a week, just friendly small talk, but when Bryan and I broke up in January... I was a complete mess. I could hardly go a few hours without crying, thinking I made the wrong decision and the only person I wanted to be around was Lorien. I explained what had happened and she told me that I was more than welcome to come over and that I didn't have to be alone... 2013 was a building year for us, I understood that she may not trust me and she may have been a little reserved about fully letting me back into her life. I would be the exact same way if the tables were turned. Things had kind of gone back to the way they were, we did everything together and it was so amazing to have her back in my life. You never really realize how special someone is to you until they aren't in your life anymore. I made the classic mistake of feeling like I had to choose between my boyfriend and my best friend. You should never have to choose and if you feel like you have to pick between them then something isn't right, it shouldn't have to be a decision you ever have to make. I feel so privileged to call Lorien my best friend, she has SO many qualities that I admire... I look up to her and aspire to become more like her. She is caring, motivated and pretty crafty! lol.
I love this picture and quote from Grey's Anatomy because it perfectly describes how I feel about our relationship. I will one day find the love of my life (I hope lol) and he will be just that, but there will always be one person who understands you better than anyone else and for me it is my best friend. There is no doubt that I am blessed with the best of friends, truly. I am so lucky. I love each and everyone of them dearly. They each have such amazing qualities, I'm not sure what I would do without them. <3
Maybe you have found your other half? Maybe not, but if you aren't sure then you haven't. You will meet that one person throughout life, that you can talk to for hours and never get bored of, you can tell them things and they won't judge you. This person is your soul mate, your best friend. Don't ever let them go.
Keep searching readers, whether it be your husband or wife, your best friend, your brother, or your mother everyone has someone... <3
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