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Dirty Little Secrets - Mom take a deep breath before reading. *

So  to be competely honest, I mostly just write in here so that my family can kind of keep up with me... and by family I really just mean both of my sisters lol. Now, I know other people read my blog and I appreciate that of course :) But I know that those two are probably my biggest fans lol, oh geeze I make it sound like I am an author or something. Honestly, the reason I thought about my family and what not is because Christmas is coming and that is thankfully the one time of year when I usually get to see everyone, I think that is why I love Christmas so much. Because I really really miss my family. They all live in the tiny town where I grew up and I live in the city about an hour and a half away... I just never seem to get out there and it sucks. I miss my sister especially because I used to live with her and see her everyday and now it's sometimes once a month, and she is my best friend, so it makes it hard. My mom comes up alot on the weekends, so I get to see her alot which is good. ANYWAYS. I feel like I am going on a little weird rant about how much I miss my freaking family. Which is true, and I know my sisters will be reading this so, I love and miss you both terribly <3

So, I thought it would be fun to fill out a "Secrets Survey" type thing, lol. So, if you don't know me very well maybe this will give you a better idea and just some interesting things about me I guess. Some of this stuff is extremely personal, and was kind of hard for me to share, but I hope you enjoy reading. 

1. Ever cheated on someone? How many times?: I have never cheated on anyone, nor have I ever really considered it!

2. How old were you when you lost your virginity? I was 18 actually, which seems to be pretty old for these days, but I am definitely happy I waited until I was ready.

3. How many people have you been in love with? I have been in love with 2 people. 

4. What is your favourite swear word? Haha, what a weird question. I am pretty bad actually, I kind of swear like a sailor, depending on where I am guess but I do say fuck alot. Which is bad bad. 

5. What’s crazy to you?: Hmm... I think what is crazy to me is how much people spend on their hair.. I mean it is funny because I work in a hair salon and when people leave their hair always looks amazing but I could not justify spending that much money on my own hair and I think that was a big reason why I couldn't be a hair stylist because I felt that there are other/better things that money can be spent on.

6. Ever been “the other person” in an affair?: I haven't. But I will share a story lol.  I met this guy named Chris, he was super nice and sweet and we went on two dates I think. In the middle of the second one he was like I think I should tell you something and I was like thinking okay, whatever, lets hear it. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, I am married and have 2 kids and I was like WHAT THE FUCK *insert sailor mouth here* I could not believe it, I felt like a terrible persone even though I had no idea he was actually married... Thank goodness he told me. Ugh. Some people are just sketchy.

7. How many people do you have a crush on right now?: I literally felt like I was in grade 7 reading that question lol. I guess honestly a crush? Maybe 2? lol.

9. Ever had a one night stand?: Yep. Not one of my proudest moments but it's over and done with now. Can't take the regrets back!

10. Ever gotten drunk and couldn’t remember the night?: Honestly, I am not a huge drinker, so no I have not. Thank goodness. I think this a major reason why I don't drink ahha.

11. Ever been sexually harassed and/or assaulted?: No. 

12. Who is your hero?: My dad. Without a doubt, honestly I never lived with him until I was 18 and I don't think I realized how long and how much he works. He does and gives so much for everyone in my family it is amazing.

13. How did you handle your last break up? Pretty rough actually. I went through a really terrible phase for about 3 or 4 months and I didn't really care about anything. I did a lot of things I will never do again, but I am not sure I regret them because they made me the person I am today and although it has all been within the year it is crazy how much I have grown and changed in just a short period of time.

14. How many illegal drugs have you tried? 3

15. Do you do any drug regularly?: I don't do any drugs on a regular basis lol. 

16. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? NO!! I haven't and I don't think I ever will. Yuck.

18. Ever attempted suicide?: I have never attempted suicide. 

19. Ever been to therapy?: Yes, I have. When I was in junior high and a bit of high school.

20. Have you ever been so upset that you stopped eating?: There are days when I won't eat honestly, if i am sad about something the last thing I want to do is eat. 

21. Are you or have you even been diagnosed as clinically depressed? : When I was in high school, I was depressed. It was tough, but it made me stronger in the end. I still get in some slumps and getting out of those sometimes aren't easy but it made me more aware of what people go through everyday. Everyone is going through something different and it is impossible for us to be able to understand their battle.

23. How old were you when you first got kissed?: 14 or 15? I think. Is it terrible that I can't remember... 

24. Do you have nervous twitches??: Honestly I  make the weirdest sounds or noises for absolutely no reason. I will sigh loudly often.... and it is weird. Most of my friends make fun of me for it. 

25. Ever been in a relationship and wanted to end it, but stuck with it for some reason?: No, in my last relationship I think a part of me knew it wouldn't work and that we needed to go our seperate ways but I didn't stay in it just because, when I knew for sure that it wasn't going to work. I ended things. 

26. Do you like your job?: Haha, funny question. I do love my job actually, I am finally becoming really comfortable at work and with everyone I work with so it's becoming really nice :)

*I skipped 27 cause it was silly*

28. Ever been abused?: No.

29. Did you ever run away? I never ran away nor did I ever want too!! 

30. Do you ever lie to yourself about things so much that you believe it?: No, but I did read an article that said people really do this and this is how they pass a lie detector test. That is just wild.

31. Have you ever liked someone when you were dating someone else?: Like had a crush on someone? I guess so. 

32. Ever dated a friend’s ex?: Yep, I sure have.

33. Ever done something with your friend’s significant other?: I would never do that.

34. Has anyone ever told you a secret that made you really uncomfortable?: Yes.

36. Do you know of someone who has done a horrible crime but never got caught? I do. (See 34 lol)

37. Ever stole a large sum of money?: I haven't, I would be too much of a chicken!! lol


40. How do you feel about abortions?: Wooo... This is a tough subject to talk about but I believe that if you are in no condition to have or raise a baby then it isn't fair for the baby to be born, I have a certain stand for myself but I believe that everyone has the right to make a decision and there are so many different factors that can contribute.
41. Were you or any of your siblings in an accident?: I WAS! But it's okay, I know my parents love me just the same!! lol

42. Ever found porn on your parents’ computer?: Hahahah, no. 

43. Have you ever almost died? What happened?: I haven't almost died, but I have been a very lucky person. I have been in situations where I probably shouldn't have come out completely okay and I did.

44. How many people have seen you naked in person?: Oh probably like 7? No, not all of those were people I slept with! lol. I have seen some of my friends naked lol

45. What about through pictures?: I have no idea honestly, I do not like this question.

46. Ever had cyber/phone sex? No, haha, I am not that exciting. I lwould laugh.100%.

47. How many piercings and tattoos do you have? I have 5 piercings and 6 tattoos!

48. Ever sold or bought an illegal substance?: No, I have never bought drugs!

49. What’s your #1 biggest fear?: Not being able to have kids.

50. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? This is a fun question, I think that I would probably be closer to like 30. I think I have always been mature for my age. I would say somewhere closer to my sisters age.
51. What was the last reason you cried?: What a terrible day for this question to be asked, I cried like 4 times today lol. I cried because I miss my friend Brittany and then I cried when I talked to my sister because of how much I miss seeing her so much. I am emotional... Eeek.
52. Do you consider yourself beautiful? I do. I am a very self conscious person, there are days when I look in the mirror and hate what I see but I think everyone has bad days. Then I remind myself that this is who I am and I might as well love myself for it.

There are some things I have done in my life that I am not proud of, things that I hope my children won't do. But there are also things that if I hadn't done, Im not sure where or what kind of person I would be today. I have grown and changed so much in a matter of months and that is what life is all about. Have a wonderful weekend my readers <3


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