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The Meanings of all my Tattoos!

So someone asked me a little while ago what all my tattoos meant! I love tattoos a lot but I don't think that anyone should ever get a tattoo without a there being some really important or special meaning behind it. So I decided that I would let everyone in on what mine are all about! Some are pretty self explanitory but others are a little deeper and have some special meanings. 

My first tattoo was this one: 

This one I suppose is pretty self explanitory, Lila Marie is my grandmother on my Dads side. She died when I was 8 years old and a few years ago my sister and I decided to get "matching tattoos". This one is definitely one of my favourite ones, which makes sense but it is wonderful to look and down and see her name. It reminds me everyday of how much she loved me and that no matter what happens in the day I know that she is up there watching over me. 

The second one I got: 

This one I got just a few months after my first one, I was pretty much hooked after that. If you happen to read my blog on "Growing Up" then you already know what this one is all about and can probably skip to the next one ;) but just in case you didn't I will explain! While I was growing up I had three best friends named Steph, Megan and Heather. It was pretty special growing up a tiny town because honestly if I wasn't friends with those girls I probably wouldn't have had any female friends at least lol. We are all insanely different people that I am not sure we would been that close or even friends at all if we had gone to a bigger school. I feel really lucky to have those three in my corner and even though we go days, weeks or sometimes even months without talking I know that if I ever needed anything they would be there. So, I got these stars just to represent us and I made them shooting stars because we were all finding our own paths and going in different directions.  Heather is blue, Megan is yellow, Steph is orange and I am purple! I love this one because it's kind of hidden and people are surprised when they see the bright colours peek out from  within my hair. 

This one was so painful I cannot even describe it!! A couple of friends and I decided to go and get some tattoos. I got this one, my one friend got a mustache on her index finger and my other friend got "create" on her finger. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing and I can see how some would say it is kind of risky in the sense of finding work and really never being able to hide it. However, that is something I love. It really surprises people when they see it because it is such a strange spot. I haven't met anyone with a tattoo there and that is what I love about it. Another reason I got it and in that spot is because I can read it when I am doing my hair or my make up in the mirror and it is a nice little surprise and it really does make me smile, even when it is the last thing I feel like doing. 

Number Four:  
So this one if you can't read completely says, "Always together, never apart.." and my friend has "Maybe in distance but never in heart." We got these ones before she moved away to Newfoundland and its a nice reminder to have when I miss her. I suppose there isn't much hidden meaning here at all, just a nice reminder of our friendship and a very very sweet quote!


This is probably my favourite tattoo... It is the most personal one I have and probably the one that will always have one of the deepest meanings. So, about 10 months ago I broke off my engagement and it was one of THE hardest things I have ever done. We were together for  3 years and almost everything in my life included him. I got this tattoo for exactly the reason it reads. There were days when I was lost and didn't know if I made the right decision, days that were hard and I didn't think it was ever going to get better... I broke it off, yes, but that just means I broke my own heart. Every single time I look down at my arm and see that tattoo it uplifts me, and reminds me that I am strong and even if this day is tough, tomorrow is coming and at some point it will get easier. The other important thing about this tattoo is its placement. Before my ex and I broke up we talked about getting tattoos in that particular spot. So everytime I looked down at my forearm that is all I thought about, made me sad. The placement of this one is just as important as the message it is sending. ALSO! Didn't hurt at all and I fell asleep. If you have no tattoos and are maybe thinking of getting one! lol.

Finally 6: 
This one is just cute and I felt like I was just getting really stuck up on words and quotes so I decided to get this one! It has all my favourite colours in it and honestly who doesn't love cupcakes? I liked this drawing because it was different with the ring pop in it and the little skull hearts. It also reminds me of my best friend, so of course that doesn't hurt!

Well those are all my tattoos! I do plan on getting more because I think they are a wonderful way of expressing yourself. All of my tattoos have a special meaning to me and that is all that matters. I want to get one with my best friend when we go to London, she is going to get Peter Pan and I think I am going to get Tinkerbell. I have always loved her!! She is cute and sassy... I can't resist! :)

There are a few more words and quotes I want as well! I will share when I get them though!!!




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