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Growing up!

SO! I was thinking, it is always funny to explain to people where and how I grew up. I don't mean I was a Mennonite or adopted or anything lol. But I grew up on a farm in a town of like 200 people. People are shocked when I tell them I went to school and grew up in a town with 3 streets and 3 avenues. Sometimes people will say, "oh my god, you missed out on really living."

Well I beg to differ, I wouldn't change anything about where I came from.  I am the person I am today not only because of my family but because of the community I grew up in. I was born in Drumheller, Alberta and lived in a tiny town not to far from there, as you already know I have 2 siblings, a brother and a sister, they are also a heck of a lot older then me, so, I almost grew up as an only child. I lived on an acreage with my mama because my dad worked in the city, so he lived there during the week. It was just the two of us, I think that's why we have such a great relationship.

I went to the same school for 11 years, unfortunately only 11 because I had to transfer for my last year. But that is a story in itself. =) Anyways, there are a few girls that I called best friends when I was growing up and they are all such amazing people today. My two oldest friends are Megan and Heather. We grew up together right from playschool.

Megan, Me, Heather
Megan is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out. She is my oldest and truest friend, we still keep in touch which is fantastic!!! This girl probably knows more secrets about me than anyone else. We were in figure skating together, 4H together, we rode the bus together, played hotel, swam in her pool all summer, and ate all the raspberries on her farm. Our other best friend was Heather, she is so funny!!! Honestly, I haven't seen her in almost two years which makes me really sad, but I try and keep up with her Facebook and she looks so happy! She is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met honestly, we always brought out the best in eachother. She has such a kind and giving heart, I could never forget that... We were the perfect little trio, but to be completely honest I always felt that Megan and Heather were closer then I was with either of them. Don't get me wrong they were undoubtedly my bestfriends and I know I was there's but they just had a special connection growing up... Little did I know my special connection was coming! (That sounds weird and I didn't mean for it
Steph and I
The Best of Friends
Up until grade 6 it was just us! Thats all we needed, but lets be honest when the teacher said "pick partners!!" That always sucked for one of us lol. When we were in grade 6 we found out that we would be getting another girl in our class... OH! I didn't mention that it was pretty much just the 3 of us girls most of the time, some girls came and went but we were the only ones that had stayed. So! I found out that this girl Steph was coming to join our class. Lets be honest here, I was not impressed. I had met her before and I did NOT like her. I don't really know why to be honest, but I wasn't really excited for her to come and join our class. Little did I know, that I would meet one of best friends. Actually, best friend is probably an understatement ... It was like I got another family... I spent most of my time at their house and I loved, and still love her family just as much as my own. The funny thing about Steph and I is that we are 150% complete opposites. I mean just look at the picture, physically, mentally, everything. Opposite.  We were the perfect pair, balancing each other out, or occasionally wanting to kill each other. Finally, we were complete. Megan, Heather, Steph and I were the best of friends. We told eachother everything and spent every weekend together. We helped each other through heart break, failure and guided each other through opportunities and success. Yes, I know right! Aren't they all beautiful blue eyed blondes?!?! Indeed they are, the three of them looked like sisters beside eachother, I was always the odd one out when it came to looks. No, I am not saying that because it made me sad, I loved it. They may have looked alike but we were all SO completely different. As we grew up we each got new friends and started to flourish by doing our own things, but not once did I think that I was ever alone. Even to this day, I am the luckiest girl in the world, because I know that if I ever needed them they would be there for me. I love them all more than they will ever know. Even as the time went on we never forgot and will never forget about eachother. I am who I am today because of these three girls, I think I grew up to be a pretty good person, but without them I am not sure where I would be, or who I would be.
The tattoo I got for us, so they are with me always.

So, you're probably thinking well thats it! Those were her best friends growing up. Well, they were
definitely 3 of them. But when I got into grade 10, I became best friends with 2 girls that made those years some of the best in my life. I had grown up with and always known Nicole and Angela except we never really became best friends until high school. These girls were crazy!! But I loved them, we went to dance class together and a lot of hockey games to be honest. I may not have been best friends with these girl since I was 4 years old but they were there for me through the most important years of my life. They gave me highschool years that I could remember, they pulled me out of my shell. We were the Three Musketeers and they I don't think they know just how much they impacted my life. Unfortunately I don't really keep in touch with either of them anymore but I still consider them two of my greatest friends. They played a huge role in my life and that is something I will never forget. I got to grow up with some of the best people in the world. Even if they weren't my best friends, they played such a huge role in my life and I think we did in each others. I think some people miss out on those special relationships throughout childhood, but I know that I got some of the best girls. I am who I am today because of each and every one of you <3 So thank you.


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