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So...2015 eh? What a mother freakin gong show.

Well, I ended my last blog with how excited I was for 2015 and that things could only go up from there. Well, this year has turned out to not be the easiest for me, honestly. Some things haven't gone in my favour at all. Going into 2015 I really thought that this year was going to be spectacular and I mean honestly, I have nothing to complain about, it hasn't been so horrendous! That would be extremely dramatic of me. But... it's been different. Today I am basically just laying it all out on the table. Read is you wish, you're about to get an insight into my year.............. I know you'll keep reading cause you're pretty freaking awesome. Yeah, you.

I suppose this year has really just revolved around my friends and my winter semester at MRU. Probably the hardest thing that I had happen this year was losing my job. Now you are probably thinking, why would you bring up getting fired? That made things awkward... Well you are telling me!  Even worse than being "fired" is being fired for absolutely no reason at all. I am extremely open and honest when it comes to this blog and honestly I don't have much to hide. It is easy for me to sit here and type my feelings than actually say them aloud and nothing has ever hurt me so much. But sometimes when two people never really see eye to eye than there isn't much that can be done and when that person happens to be your boss, well you know you're pretty much gonna get fucked eventually. I mean let's be honest here. Now you're probably thinking, this is just me assuming which could end horribly but whatever. Anyways you MAY be thinking, why was it so hard if you knew that it was coming and to be honest with you, if it were anywhere else I probably would have saved my boss the trouble and quit... but the people that I worked with.... they were the reason that I did everything I did there, they were the reason I hung on for dear life. I loved my job. I had never become so close to people that I had worked with before, they weren't my coworkers, they weren't even my friends, they became my family. They had helped me through so much throughout the year that the thought of not seeing them all at least once a week was painful. I love everyone there so much and I truly do not have any bitter feelings towards to old boss in the slightest, she thought she did what was best for her business and that is completely fair. Do I agree with her? Well, no... I mean I was pretty damn great at my job. Those are just the chapters of life and when that chapter ended, it was sad. It was like that book you're reading that you cannot believe ended like that and then you find out that there is no sequel and you're just left there to try and piece yourself back together. Perhaps that analogy worked for you, perhaps you do not read and you think I am crazy, to that I say...... read.

I really enjoy these blogs so late at night because in the middle of the night, I am actually pretty crazy. What else happened this year...

Whelp, I had a surprise party! That was a good one for sure. I LOVE SURPRISES and I couldn't believe that my friends actually got me. I constantly brought it up to my one friend, how much I loved surprises, how much I would just die if someone actually threw me one. Well I am sure he was extremely annoyed with my persistence but SHIT! It paid off! My best friend made an event on Facebook for the following week after my birthday, 31st and I was like okay cool! But then she said that there was some information that the "Guests of honour" that would not be privy too. Well, on my actual birthday weekend I wanted to go for dinner with 4 of my closest friends. I was trying to  make this plan to go for dinner with them and I chose 7pm. Thought that would be a good time and then 2 of them were like, "nah we should go at 6pm instead" they were extremely persistent, much like I was about my love for surprises. At first I was like, what the hell does an hour difference make and then I was like this is my damn birthday dinner, why can we not go at 7 AND THEN I thought, good lord Shelby you are a dramatic brat. So we went at 6. I was still a little confused on why it really mattered. WELL. Little did I know, there was a house full of my wonderful, crazy, strange, occasionally annoying, but still very lovable friends. I almost cried... I think I probably would have if I didn't get suspicious outside of the house... I saw someones car there and I know this car and I also know that he only comes over when there are parties. A little fishy. Anyways, I walked in the door and everyone yelled "SURPRISE" and for me, a little dream came true. I still couldn't believe it. Oh! and then I got real diamond earrings AND a freaking WiiU. I mean, I know I am a great friend, but my friends continuously surprise me with how thoughtful and caring they are. I am a blessed girl, I will never argue that. I could probably go on and on about how much I love my friends, but I will stop there.

I went to Vegas again with my best friend and a bunch of other people as well! That was extremely fun! I love Vegas... It is the perfect place for someone who doesn't sleep much. I put $20 on a penny machine and basically wasted away 4 hours of my life at a slot machine which made the night go by quickly! haha! We were only there for the weekend, but it was great fun, Lorien and I always seem to have a great time when we go on trips. I guess that would be why we are best friends right?

This year has been a tough one emotionally for me, for reasons I can't exactly talk about so publicly but hasn't been easy, not like last year, which was breezy. But I think that, that is just what happens as we get older and grow, we go through things that we don't think we are going to make it through, having a broken heart and not believing that we will survive the night, letting go of people that we thought we couldn't live without and eventually realizing that we aren't made of glass and we are strong enough to make it through whatever life seems to throw at us. I have learned that I am one tough cookie, and I think that being so self aware really plays a large role in that. I am so in touch with myself and my emotions that I can easily predict how something will affect me, how to really control my emotions in situations.  I have learned that I am extremely intrapersonal throughout this year, I took a class that really focused on you as an individual and I learned a lot about myself. I also learned that I am extremely interpersonal and that is a side that I think most of my friends and family see. It is strange being 2 things that are completely opposite from each other but after doing some research on it, it makes all the sense. I am an extrovert but some days I am very much an introvert and there are a lot of people who don't and may never quite understand me.

Other than all that jazz, I am about done.  So I am going to go now and look for a job....actually I am gonna go to Mexico first cause that is what every unemployed student should do! I promise to try and write a little bit more than I have been. Bad.

But among all things that have happened this year, I can say that I am happy, and loved and always find a way to laugh things off. Laughter is the best medicine.

Love always,

Also, I have decided to wear my hair like this forever.


  1. Shelby, I am completely thrown off at how crazy similar our years have been already. Girl, I think we might be soul sisters.

    1. that's so crazy! I am baffled as to why we don't hangout!


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