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2014 Wrapping Up... Here is What My Year Has Been Like!

I was thinking about this past year and what I could write about which lead me into my old posts. I just cannot believe how much my life has changed since I started writing on here, it is quite amazing actually. I am so glad that I started doing this, it is like my online journal and I love sharing my thoughts, stories and life with everyone. My first post was October 2012 and the direction that my life was going is pretty much the complete opposite than it is now, it is actually quite surreal how much things have changed in only 2 years. I ended some relationships, created new ones and mended old ones throughout the way.

The most memorable part of my year would have to be going to London with my 3 best friends, that was truly one of the most amazing and fun experiences I have ever had. Seeing Buckingham Palace was truly sensational and I am pretty sure I got a little teary eyed. Camden Market was surreal, it was a huge flea market almost with so many shops you would need all day just to do that. We walked in so many circles that trip, it makes me laugh now. Then however it just made me mad. I saved Sam’s life multiple times because she kept looking the wrong way to cross the street and no matter what she tells you happened, that was the truth. I have 2 witnesses to back me up!

My biggest lesson I think was how important friends really are and how important it is to put the relationships that you care the most about first. I wouldn’t have any of the stories or experiences that I had, had this past year without my friends. I have learned that they are the ones that pick up the pieces when I fall apart, there are not enough words in the dictionary to describe my love for them or my ability to thank them. I do hope that they are reading this and if they are then all I can say is, thank you. Thank you for making me laugh, for keeping my secrets, for loving me when I am being a bitch, for reminding me of my choices and for being the best friends that a girl could ever ask for.

Thankfully this year was one that didn’t involve much heart ache on my part, it was a good year full of positive experiences. The hardest one for me I guess would have to be saying goodbye to Britt when she moved to England. It was sooo bitter sweet, I was so happy for her and I knew that, that is where her heart was and where she belonged, I just hate goodbyes. I have never been very good at them. I am actually an emotional wreck when it comes to them and when she first left I was extremely sad but it was different, she was going to England “blind” she had family there but no one else and it was more of an experience, I knew that should would be home soon. This time when she left, I felt different. I didn’t cry as much but maybe that was because I knew I couldn’t be selfish in this one. I knew that she had found the one that she loved and they deserved to be together. I am so happy for them both and I know that she is happy there with him! It is kind of funny because now a piece of my heart is in England and my heart really loved England.

The funniest experience I had which would probably also be the weirdest and most awkward as well would have been when my friend Natalie and I went to Geek Speed dating at the Comic Expo. I am not sure what I thought was going to happen, I mean the name says it all. There were a whole lot of geeks and only a couple of really creepy guys, one of which asked if he could cut off my skin and wear it as a robe. That was sweet, he almost got my number for that one. It was odd and thankfully I am not a shy person or about 87% of the conversations wouldn’t have gone anywhere. One guy I met was 39 and he had twin daughters that were my age but never really mentioned being divorced which really confused me too. We really enjoyed our night there at Geek Speed Dating… would I do it again? Not ever. 

The best day was probably when I got my Mini, which does sound a little lame but for someone who is so indecisive it says a lot when I want something continuously for about 8 years. I change my hair colour, cellphone, car, everything. All the time. It is quite horrible but the day I finally purchased my little car really was the best. I bought it myself and it really was a dream come true for me! Another wonderful day was when I received my acceptance letter into my education program, not only that but the first day of my practicum. It was so natural and I had so much fun. I knew that this is what I was meant to do for the rest of my life and knowing what direction I was going in was quite a relief.

This year has been truly amazing and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I went to England, I got my boat license, I got a Mini Cooper, I started my degree, I somehow managed to become a “runner”, I didn’t trip nearly as much, only 2 nights I can’t remember, I shared my passions but most of all this year I realized how completely OK I am on my own. For a large part of my life, I had a significant other that was always there, whom I could always count on and this year I decided that it would be best for me to do this year alone… and I did. I did a lot of things on my own this year which was really refreshing for me. I have always had help from my parents, family and friends which is something I know I am very fortunate to have but this year doing things on my own like buying my car and paying for my own tuition without taking out loans really made me realize how much I have grown. I’m not going to sit here and say that I can’t wait for 2015 to get here so that this year can be over, I actually loved 2014. I have met some amazing new friends and experienced more in this last year than I have in my entire life, if 2014 was any indicator of what this next year may be then bring it on 2015 because you’re going to be fantastic. 

Love you all and have a wonderful New Year <3



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