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The Other Side...Heaven? Moving on? Reincarnation? Nothing?

After someone passes away there are so many things that people believe happen to them. But the truth is we don't really have any real proof that anything happens to them. I always liked to believe there was a heaven or reincarnation...something. Perhaps we just tell ourselves these things to make it easier to cope with the loss of someone. I never really knew for sure. I liked to believe that mediums were real and that spirit were really around us all of the time, I think mostly for comfort. 

I think I talked about my experience with a medium last year a bit. But I mostly focused on my car accident and didn't really go into to much detail about my experience with her.So when I got to my sisters house, I was really nervous. I'm not sure why exactly, I just really wasn't sure what to expect. I had worked the the day before so I was one of the last ones to arrive and go.  When  I first sat down, she asked me a couple general questions, "how are you today?".... those kinds of questions. She then said she knew that I was a good girl and that there were a lot of people up there looking out for me. I smiled and nodded, (that was pretty generic and kind of a go to answer, so I was not convinced yet).  She then said that an older couple were coming forward... That was man was very tall and handsome and lady was just teeny tiny, a third of the size of the guy. I knew instantly in my mind who I thought they should be. Then she smiled and said I am getting double L's. They must both be named something with L's. Ahh... Your grandparents... They came forward to a couple of other people before you. They just want to tell you how proud they are of you and how much your grandpa admires and loves you. He says he knows you're destined to help people.... He has never seen someone with a bigger heart. You would do anything for the people you love. He says you get that from your Grandma. (at this point I was pretty convinced, but not 100%)... Then she said, that he wanted to congratulate me on my midterms. And then she laughed and said, you really rocked one of them and not to hot on the other right? Your grandpa is laughing and said that he would have given you $20 dollars for doing that well on your chemistry test. At this point in our conversation I was pretty much 100% convinced of this ladies abilities. How could she have possibly known that I did well on one test and not the other and that the one I did do good on was chemistry? It was really amazing. 

Going into the whole process I thought for sure that the only person who come through to me was my grandma, that she would do most of the talking.  But I was wrong. She did tell me that when I went over there everyday when I was younger just made her so happy. That I would always be her baby. I loved my Grandma more than anyone in the world, and although I was only 8 when she died and I can't exactly remember everything about her and the times we spent together... I do remember how happy I was and how much of my heart was solely hers. 

Then the medium asked me if I had lost my other grandmother. I told her no, both of my other grandparents were still alive and well. She kept telling me there was another person trying to come through but she could see her as a grandmother figure. I was really pretty confused actually, I didn't know who was trying to come through to me. I couldn't think of anyone. Then she said, S, it starts with an S.... Sharon? Am I getting that right? She looked at me and I was still pretty confused. Then she looked up in the corner of the room and laughed, and laughed. She is so funny!! She looked at me and said, "oh not Sharon! it's Sherry." As soon as she said that, I knew exactly who she was talking about. My ex's grandmother who had passed away just a year before. As soon as I remembered, I couldn't believe I couldn't remember. I felt terrible, but I was just drawing a blank. The medium just kept looking into the corner of the room and laughing, laughing continuously. She looked at me and said, this lady is just hilarious... She needs you to know that she loved you so much and that she isn't upset with you. The medium told me she didn't know exactly what she meant by that but that she hoped I would. She said that, no matter what I would always be her granddaughter and just because things weren't meant to be doesn't mean she loves me any less. But please tell him how much I love and watch over him. All of them.  At this point in the conversation I was pretty much in tears, not really a shocker to myself. She then said, both of your grandma's want to stay and chat with you but there is a young man who will not leave us alone until he gets his two cents in. 

I was a little confused...Why couldn't I think of these people who were trying to get through to me. She then told me that he was around my age when he died, maybe even younger. It was really tragic and took a toll on my entire family. She said she was getting a vibe that he was my uncle. Then it hit me. She was talking about my Uncle Ronnie. She said, he was calm and quiet, really laid back but as he was waiting for his turn to come through his patience were running low. That he was used to his mom chatting away.  I couldn't help but giggle hearing this. I do remember my grandma talking to her sisters on the phone FOREVER. The medium asked me if I felt like I had a really special connection with an aunt or an uncle? I thought about it and I guess I am close with alot of my aunts but I wouldn't say I have this unsaid connection with any of them like some of my cousins had with some aunts or anything. She smiled and said, I need to you to know that he is your special connection, he is your special uncle and he LOVES you more than you could begin to imagine. He is with you every single day.  She then turned from happy and chipper to kind of sad, I could tell she was thinking/listening. I sat there quietly waiting for her to keep talking, eventually she looked at me and said, he died tragically didn't he? I nodded. She then listened for  little while longer and then nodded. She looked at me, as if to tell me that she was sorry or she really felt bad about the situation..

Everytime you get in a car, he is with you. Everytime. He never misses a drive. He loves when you dance and sing in you car like there is a huge audience in front of you. She smiled and said, I wish there was a way I could explain to you how much he adores you. You make him laugh a lot too. He said, that he wishes you could have met him but he never missed a single important thing that has happened in your life. You are his special girl and he is your guardian angel.

 And hours later I was in my car accident and somehow walked about from it without anything but a scratch. I knew it was him. I knew that he had saved me from what could have been another tragic accident.

I don't know what it was about that last part of the conversation. I don't think anything has ever hit me so much and so hard. I felt light, happy and above all else, loved. SO loved. I then felt sad that I didn't know everything there is to know about my uncle, I became almost infatuated with finding all these things out about him. I had never felt such a connection with someone, let alone someone who wasn't even part of the same world as I was. I still want to know everything I can about him. For those of you who don't know, my uncle died in a car accident, which is why I think she was so pressing about me knowing he was with me everytime I got into a car and how he was the voice in my head when I choose not to go with any one who has been drinking. Going to see this medium completely changed my life.I used to think people who talked to people who had passed away were kind of crazy, well I guess I am kind of crazy now because I do it all the time. I ask my Grandma and my Uncle questions constantly, tell them I love them or just talk when I need someone to listen, because I know that they can hear me. I still sing and dance when I am in the car, but now I know I am performing in front of a least one audience member. <3

Happy Mothers Day to all of the special women up there, including my Grandma Lila and my Nanny. I love  and miss you both.


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