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Did Someone Say Shopping? Part 2.

Now, being in London, I couldn't sleep at all. I don't think  I slept more than 4 hours at night. Which gave me lots of time to work on all the crap I had due when I returned from the trip. It also gave me lots of time to wander around the hostel at 4 in the morning. I am not sure if I mentioned it, but this hostel's bathrooms were gender shared, the word privacy meant nothing. There were guys and girls everywhere and this was something quite new to me, I figured that it might be better to shower so early in the morning so that there was no one around, guy or girl it didn't matter, I just wanted a little bit of peace and quiet. So, I packed up my shower stuff as quietly as I could so that I didn't wake up the girls in our tiny closet of a room. Packed up my stuff put on my flippy flops and headed down to the shower. It was kind of like a campground or a pool. A bunch of different stalls, I walked in with my music in and fully expecting to see no one in there, I mean it was 3:55 in the morning. Not paying any attention, I and doddling and walking into the room. (Little back story here, I am SUPER jumpy... Anything scares me and it is thoroughly pathetic. My friends scare me all the time probably because its so easy anyway.....) I come around the corner and see a tall man in nothing but tighty whities.... Now I am so sure I won't see anyone I wasn't prepared for it. I threw everything I had in my hands, shampoo, towel, clothes, tooth brush, body wash. Not only does this tall dark man think I am a complete quack, he doesn't speak English which really makes the situation SO MUCH BETTER. He picks up my towel that landed at his feet and hands it to me, looks at me like I am crazy and waves as he walks out of the shower room. First night embarrassing incident = check.

That day we decided to go to Camden Market... Which only meant one thing. Shopping!! We had to take the Tube there, which is just their name for the subway. This was the most insane underground transportation system I had ever seen. There were so many different lines to get places. I never realized just how far underground we were.

I didn't enjoy the Tube.
Until we saw these signs. There were stairs, escalators and elevators everywhere taking us to the top and other just taking us to another train. These things moved so fast, I got siiiick. I hated it... It was pretty smelly, just packed and it was like getting really really car sick. Thankfully we didn't have to be on them for to long. We rode it for the few stops it took us to get to Camden Town. Once we finally reached our destination we made our way up to the ground and came out to the coolest looking place I had ever seen! All of the shops were open right to the street and there were so many things to see. I can't even explain to you all of the different shops there were. Among the shops there was also a huge flea market type deal. There were little kiosks with clothes, jewelry, bags and shoes. Now, I am not really a natural barterer but Brittany is. She could get something almost cut in half when it came to the price, where as I was like, "Oh 20 pounds, here's 30 just cause" ... I don't know why I am like that but I hate myself for it lol. Thankfully with her beside me I was able to get the price down a bit.

We went into a little pub for lunch and it was delicious. I finally found a normal chicken burger I would eat as well as some chips. It was really quite good! After we were done our shopping at Camden we headed to Picadilly Circus. I am sure you're thinking... Wow that is quite the place. What a weird name. This part of London was really unreal, it was filled with souvinier shops, theatres and so many street performers it was honestly so cool. We ended up going into this huge store that just all about London/England.

Now this guy was living and breathing England. Brittany was so excited to get her picture with him. We looked arounf the store for a bit and bought some stuff and then headed down the street to see M&M World. Lorien and I had gone there when we went to Vegas and when the other two weren't really sure if they wanted to go we assured them it was the coolest place ever. And it was.  I believe this one was 3 or 4 floors filled with EVERYTHING M&M. 

 Now the way I am going through and doing this blog is by looking at our pictures, because I have them seperated by day it helps me remember exactly what we did. However, there are no pictures of the night time so, I am really not sure what else we did and it is completely escaping me! I believe we went to the grocery store and got some groceries and stayed in for the rest of the night. Boring!! I know that was a lame end to the day but I believe tomorrow we did a few more exciting things! 

Day 3 was honestly 100% the best day of my life and I would like to take a moment to thank Lorien, Sam and Brittany for putting up with this day lol. I know that some of it wasn't on their list of things to do/see/pay for but I cannot begin to describe to you how amazing it was. I am sure that some of you can guess maybe what we did. If you guessed something to do with palaces you were right....... 

Pretty much sums up how I felt on the inside. 

We went to Buckingham Palace first and I was speechless. I was actually so excited to be there a cried a little bit. The flag was still up so I knew the Queen was home. I know it is pretty lame to care so much about it all but it is just something I have always been fascinated with. Nothing could have ruined my mood that day, even though it was raining and my feet were killing me, I have never been so happy.

 We walked around there for bit and I took in all of the beauty. I wish I was a better writer so I could make you understand just how I was feeling. It was a dream come true to see this place and I know that a lot of people can't say that they have had their dreams come true and it just made me realize just how lucky I was to be there. I think if I would have looked up and seen the Queen wave out the window or something I would have fainted right there at the gate of Buckingham Palace. Now, to be clear, I was elated. I am not sure if I got my point across there but not only do I have a deep fascination with the royal family, my biggest fascnation about it all is no doubt. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert..... and our next adventure was about to make my entire life complete.

Stay Tuned!



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