So, I know I haven't written in forever. My apologies... I guess I have been busy. So last Thursday I drove out to my hometown because my family had a psychic/medium coming out. I believe in them and all but I wasn't really expecting TOO much. There were people there who needed so much more out of it then I did but I was still so excited to talk to her and see what she had to say. I had work and school and all day I was so anxious to get home. Finally at 5:15 my co worker basically said just get out of here. So I drove the hour and a half home and my nerves were getting the best of me. I got there just before 7, I walked in to one of the other girls who had just finished. The look on her face said it all, this women was for real. She told "Jill" things that nobody would know, special things between her and the loved one she was trying to contact. After listening to what "Jill" had to say, I was really excited for my turn. So we went downstairs and all she asked was my name. Then it all began. She told me that my grandpa and grandma had come through and that they were proud of me and everything I have done so far, which seems pretty generic I suppose. She then told me how much I meant to my grandma and how much it meant to her all the time I spent at her house with her. I never met my grandpa but I only ever heard good things about him and knowing that he was proud of me and wished he could have met me because he knew how well we would have gotten along was heartwarming. I worshipped my grandmother so again hearing all of those things just made me feel so special. Then she told me that a young man around my age was coming through....Right away I knew it was my uncle Ronnie who passed away like 30 years ago. She said he was very persistent and I was kind of surprised I suppose. I have heard so many amazing things about him but not being able to meet him was hard and to be honest sometimes he slipped my mind. She said that he loved me so much and wished more then anything that we had gotten to meet. Hearing that was almost surreal, I would never have guessed that... She then looked at me and asked if I felt I had a really special connection with any of my dads siblings... Now don't get me wrong. I love my aunt and uncles, I really do but would I say I have a special connection with any of them like my sister or some of my cousins have? No. I don't. I wish I did but that just isn't the case. I told her all of that and she looked at me and smiled, then looked back into the corner (where she usually looked when she was talking) and said, "he is your special connection. He loves you so much is with you EVERY single day. You are his special girl and he is so proud." How could you not hear that without crying?!?! Well needless to say, I cried for sure. I thought that was the end of it and then she asked if he died in a tragic accident maybe involving drugs or alcohol? I told her he died in a car accident. She then asked me if I had ever thought about getting in the vehicle with someone who was under the influence and then suddenly having a change of heart? I answered honestly and said that I had. She said she wanted me to know that, that was him guiding me in the right direction and choosing not to go in the vehicle. She told me that every time I got in the car that he was with me. That he was with me more than anyone else. Hearing all of this was almost surreal....I couldn't believe that this young man that I never got the chance to meet loves me so much, that he wishes he could have met me. That he was my special uncle. It really did warm my heart. She then proceeded to tell me some pretty wild stuff about future that was crazy, she knew such strange things about myself, my friends, my plans. After talking to her, honestly ALL I wanted to do was know everything about my uncle... pictures, stories, anything. I knew that just because I didn't physically get to meet him wasn't going to stop me from knowing who he was. After the psychic left we all kind of gathered and told our stories. At around 9:50 I decided that it was time I make the hour trek back to the city... I had school early the next morning and knew I was already going to be tired so leaving now was the best idea.
My car had a flat tire, so I had my moms brand new vehicle to drive instead. SO NICE! I had been driving for about 10 minutes and passed a couple cars so I had my dims on. I put my cruise on 102 (the only reason I remember is because the vehicle tells you.) I started heading up a hill and put my brights back on and instantly I saw the yellow car RIGHT in front of me with no lights on. I tried to swerve out of the way, but going the speed I was, the amount I actually would of had to swerve to miss them completely and the size of my was impossible. I hit the back drivers side of their car, my body lunged forward, I felt the impact instantly....I turned side ways on the highway and then into the ditch... I rolled once and landed on the top of the roof, I began struggling to get myself out of my seat. I was stuck and I started to panic. Before anything really set in I began rolling again... I went onto the tires and back onto to the roof and finally landed right side up on my tires. By this time I was panicking. I knew what had happened and I was so scared. I looked over to the passenger seat and saw my phone sitting there like it had never moved... the light was on and it somehow stayed exactly where I had left it despite rolling a couple times.|I grabbed my phone and struggled with my seat belt for a few seconds and finally kicked myself free through the door. I didn't black out I remember every single thing... All I remember thinking was that the psychic lied to my mom when she said that I would out live her and that I hoped she and my sister knew how much I loved them.... That's it. That is all I was thinking about as I was rolling through the ditch. I did believe at that point that I was indeed going to die. That much I know for sure. I wish I would have blacked out.
I ran up the hill onto the road and called my mom... I told her what happened and she told me she was on her way. I was so scared and worried that I would be in so much trouble. I tried to tell myself that I should have seen them... That I did something wrong. Racking through my brain I knew I didn't do anything wrong and tried to get out of the way... A couple pulled over to the side and helped me call 911 and what not. I walked around stunned and all I wanted was my mom and sister to get there. The people's car I hit tried to drive away but couldn't get very far because I had basically taken there back wheel with me when I hit them... Eventually the RCMP and ambulance came. They asked me questions and took my statement. Loaded me into the ambulance and took me to the hospital. They kept saying they didn't know how I wasn't hurt worse, that I was so lucky. They took me into the hospital and the doctor said the exact same thing. I was SO lucky...I hit a car going 100 km/h ...rolled two and a half times and somehow managed to walk away being really sore and having a few bruises. I know I was lucky and I know that I had my grandma, grandpa and uncle with me in the car. I have no other explanation. I cannot believe that I am not more seriously injured as I keep replaying the events in my head and I am so glad that I had my moms vehicle instead of my little car because I know that if I had my car the outcome could have been very different. Since that day I haven't been able to get my uncle out of my head... I want everyone who knew him to tell me stories. If you knew him please share, tell me anything. I feel so unbelievably connected to him maybe this was a blessing in disguise. He is more than my special uncle, he's my guardian angel <3
All from the seatbelt and the pedals... Now that's lucky.
If you're part of my family or a friend and I haven't told you lately. I love you. |
I am so glad you are ok Shelby! That is so scary and it could have ended horribly. I am so glad you are still here and that you made it out ok. Stay strong!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Becca, I feel so blessed to just walk away from the accident completely okay. <3