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The People I Love the Most in This World...

So, I thought it would be fun to introduce my family... Well sort of do what I can!

So, I have a confusing story here when it comes to my immediate family. There's me! I am the baby.  My parents are still together after I believe like 27 years and then there is my half brother and sister. Now both of my parents were married before they met each other. My mom never had kids from her previous marriage but my Dad did! Now enter Paige and Casey! They are 9 and 10 years older then me. My brother is the oldest!


Casey is 10 years older then me and to be completely honest we were never really that close. He was pretty quiet growing up but having such a huge gap it is kind of hard to be close to someone! He is very very smart, loves to read and loves hockey! He has season tickets to the NHL team here. He works very hard and I truly admire him for that, he has 2 beautiful children and an amazing wife. Pam is probably one of the strongest women I have ever met, I definitely look up to her and respect her very much for that. Pam and Casey got married in 2003 in October! I was only 11 but it was a definitely a wonderful day. I remember the bridesmaids dresses were this dark green lace, they were so beautiful and so were the fall colours. One year later, they had a baby named D, the cutest little boy with the brightest hair and most adorable freckles. He loves playing hockey and it very good at it! Very athletic kid for sure! He must have got that from his mom ;) Only kidding. Then in June 2007 they had a sweet baby girl named K. This girl is wild! She is probably the most girly girl yet most tom boy-ish girl I have ever met! It is phenomenal! She is a fire cracker for sure and will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. They definitely have a pretty much perfect little family!

Next up is my sister! Paige and I are very close now, but when I was younger we weren't super close. Again, it is difficult when there is such an age gap between you. Paige is probably one of the most caring, wonderful people on the face of the planet. She has picked and held me up when I wasn't strong enough to do it on my own and she is one of my best friends. Her husband, Brad is so funny. He is a fantastic father and has a heart of gold. They had baby C in October of 2006. A big blue-eyed baby boy that looked absolutely identical to his father! C is a very smart little boy who loves, loves, loves Super Heros! He still looks just like his father that is for sure. He is going to grow up to be such a little gentleman I can tell. Paige and Brad got married in July the following year in July. 07/07/07! I was a bridesmaid in her wedding and it was so much fun! We wore beautiful dark red dresses, and the weather was perfect ALL day! If I remember correctly. In October 2008, they had another baby boy named G! He was a chunky monkey and oh my goodness adorable! This little guy has grown into quite the character, he has the best sense if humour and also shares the same love of Super Heroes as his big brother. He loves to make people laugh and I don't think that will ever change. I really thought they were done having kids even though I secretly hoped that they would have another!! They did! This year, on MY birthday they had an adorable baby girl named L. She is about 6 weeks old and has those big blue eyes that every one in that family has! She is going to be beautiful I am sure, just like her Mom.

My mom has 4 sisters and 1 brother. She is right in the middle! My mom is probably one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She has the biggest and most generous heart, I truly hope that one day I can be like her. She is willing to go above and beyond for everyone. Especially when it comes to her family and the people she loves. I am very lucky to have such an amazing mother, I can tell her anything and we have a great relationship. Dad has 1 sister and 2 brothers! He is the oldest of the bunch!  My dad can be kind of difficult, I think that is where I get it from. ;) There is not a person in the world I admire more then him. He is almost 60 years old and still wakes up every morning before 6 and works for 10-12 hours. He works so hard, it is amazing and he is my hero because of that.

Mine may not be perfect, but every family has their problems I suppose. However, there is not a single person in the world I love more then my family. I am so lucky to have a strong support system and people who love me so much. I wouldn't trade them for the world. <3 My whole family means so much to me, I have the most loving aunts, the funniest uncles and the best cousins, without a doubt. Grateful can't even describe how I feel about them.

If any of you are reading this, I love you and thank you for standing behind me and supporting each and every one of my decisions <3

More to come!!!!!



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