What is new in my life? Well not a whole lot actually, still going to school, still have the same friends, still worrying about everything, still dealing with anxiety. Isn't that just the life? I suppose. It is mine at least lol. So, I feel like I have spent a lot of my time trying to find my "thing." I always wanted to be that person who had one thing they were known for. So I've tried it all, I draw, which is fun but I don't find myself constantly doing it and if I decide to do it as gift it seems like more of an effort than something I just enjoy. I tried scrapbooking... Nope. I tried running, nah. Then baking, which I actually do love! But somehow in the midst of looking for my "thing" I never even realized that I had already found mine and I'd had it for a long time and it had always been my outlet, it had just been something that was always private and I never really...