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Showing posts from April, 2014

A Dream Come True. Part 3 (My Favourite Part!)

The front of Kensington Palace So, I kind of left ya hanging on the last one there! So after Buckingham Palace we went to Kensington Palace. I was so excited to see it, especially because were allowed to go inside and tour around. It was all recently redone, and they tried to keep a lot of the rooms the same as they were when the Queen lived there! I cant seem to remember what it was called but something like Victoria: Revealed. It was so so so interesting to see. Lorien bought me a book all about it, it is called Discover Kensington Palace and it has a lot of really cool things in it.I will probably write this entire blog about Kensington Palace simply because I loved it so much. So I hope you enjoy! We walked around the side of the building to get in, when we first entered it was a little cafe type thing and then we walked through the gift shop to get up to the counter to pay. I knew that a couple of the girls were a little weary about going in, to be fair it was $65 doll...

Did Someone Say Shopping? Part 2.

Now, being in London, I couldn't sleep at all. I don't think  I slept more than 4 hours at night. Which gave me lots of time to work on all the crap I had due when I returned from the trip. It also gave me lots of time to wander around the hostel at 4 in the morning. I am not sure if I mentioned it, but this hostel's bathrooms were gender shared, the word privacy meant nothing. There were guys and girls everywhere and this was something quite new to me, I figured that it might be better to shower so early in the morning so that there was no one around, guy or girl it didn't matter, I just wanted a little bit of peace and quiet. So, I packed up my shower stuff as quietly as I could so that I didn't wake up the girls in our tiny closet of a room. Packed up my stuff put on my flippy flops and headed down to the shower. It was kind of like a campground or a pool. A bunch of different stalls, I walked in with my music in and fully expecting to see no one in there, I mean...

London. England. Not Ontario. Part 1.

So, I know this is super delayed and I should have written this one a long time ago and now that I have started I realize it probably would have been much simpler if I did it then because I am trying to remember everything we did, everything I loved and everything I thought was really weird about London. This was truly a trip of a lifetime with my best friends. Sam, Lorien and I were going to visit our best friend Brittany who had been living in England since September... However it actually felt like years. Maybe that was just me. So, we departed from Canada on February 15th, I am gonna say around 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon. We were prepared to land in London the next day at around 6 or 6:30 in the morning. I HATE FLYING. Like hate it. It scares me so much even though I am like 99% more likely to die walking or driving my car I am still petrified of it and I'm not really sure why.  So I take these pills I get from the doctor for anxiety. Needless to say I was not looking ...